Turnkey Guide to
Surviving the Winter
System Checks
- Make sure you know where to isolate your water both internally and externally. Make a note of the external tap because in heavy snow it can be impossible!
- Make sure all isolations move freely and are not seized open.
- Check pipework and tanks in loft areas are insulated.
- Isolate outside taps and drain them.
- If going away, isolate the mains before leaving. This way if anything freezes no damage will be caused.
Boiler Checks
- Make sure your boiler is serviced regularly, to help avoid any problems when you least need them!
- If going away when it’s really cold leave the heating on down low to make sure the house never gets too cold.
- Make sure radiators are free from obstructions and are bled of air, so that you are getting the most from them.
- If you have a modern condensing boiler. Make sure the condensate is run correctly with a good fall, and that it is well insulated if exposed.
Hopefully this guide will keep you incident free, but just in case keep a note of your local plumbing and heating engineer’s number.